In 2000, in the painting Waiting for God, I used for the first time a pin with a logo like a motive for my painting. This logo come from Aphex Twin aka Richard David James, an electronic musician and dj.
I decided to put this motive in my painting after watching Come to Daddy, the orgiastic mind-fuck video directed by Chris Cunningham in 1997 to the music of Aphex Twin.
To see it go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Az_7U0-cK0

Aphex Twin's logo was created, not by Dan Parkes as some sources assert, but by designer Paul "Terratag" Nicholson in 1992. Nicholson: "Dan Parkes was the illustrator of the artwork that appeared on the "Ventolin" release. A s far as I know, that is the only artwork that Dan created for Richard. A little piece of trivia about the logo: at the time I met Richard, I had being doing artwork for a San Francisco-based skatewear label called Anarachic Adjustment. Their 'thing' at the time had been the whole "alien" vibe (remember, we are talking 1991). So, I had been creating loads of designs based around the letter 'A' which got knocked back. Richard, having seen the work in progress, liked where I was going with the amorphic shape and from these I developed what is now the Aphex 'A.' The logo was finished early 1992, in time to appear on the "Xylem Tube" sleeve." (1)
(1) information taken from pictograms.blogspot.com
Eight years later I revisited the lyrics of Come to Daddy in this recent nightmare drawing
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