-Estava fora! - disse a menina. E provavelmente não voltaria, já estava fora há muito tempo.
Voltei para casa a pensar nas palavras de Susannah Breslin no seu blog; http://www.reversecowgirlblog.blogspot.com/
I've seen all kinds of porn - mainstream porn, altporn, feminist porn, fetish porn, midget porn. In my opinion, porn is porn. Porn is a movie in which people are fucking, period. You can call it what you want, and spin it how you will, but at the end of the day you're watching people fuck for show, for money, for a living. Porn is a pretty rough trade, and no amount of spin can doctor that fact.
Restou-me, apenas, chegar a casa fazer um charuto e passar o resto da tarde a ouvir a Nazi Girlfriend do Iggy Pop:
I want to fuck her on the floor
Among my books of ancient lore
So I will make a full report
I got a Nazi Girlfriend

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