quinta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2008

- Dançar - respondeu o homem-carneiro. Enquanto houver música, deves continuar sempre a dançar. Compreendes o que te estou a dizer? Dançar, continuar sempre a dançar. Não perguntes porquê. Não te ponhas a pensar no sentido das coisas. O significado pouco ou nada importa. Se começares a pensar nisso, os teus pés ficam bloqueados.

Haruki Murakami in Dança, Dança, Dança (edição Casa das Letras, 2007)

The Crew with Lurdes Féria - Porto 2004

image taken from...
nice cover...
and a nice spot.

Waiting For God, 2000
acrylic on canvas, 50 x 70 cm

sketch to Waiting For The Fool Moon, 1998
feltpen on paper, 31 x 22 cm

SHOWROOM # 1 by Ozzy Project

WORKSHOP IN PROGRESS, oey with dj nightmare + miss rabbit - live"painting"act 2004
photo by Pedro Bernardo
There's something sexy about all that looking, but there's also something a little disturbing about it, pornografic. Contemporary art deals powerfully with the strangeness of looking at anything at all.

Bruce Hainley in Art - A Sex Book (Thames & Hudson, 2003)

tear drop over mushrooms, 2004
home digital photo

new paint

Night Of Living Dead, julho 2008
acrylic, spraypaint and marker on canvas, 116 x 88,5 cm

LIVE ACT, Galeria Palmira Suso - Lisboa 2006

new paint

Caught Licking Leather (1), julho 2008
acrylic, spraypaint and marker on canvas, 81 x 65 cm
(1) music by Pissed Jeans, Sub Pop Records 2007

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

When you stop growing you start dying. An addict never stops growing.

W. S. Burroughs in Junky, p.xv (edição Penguin Books)

concerto hardcore - Avenal 2008

photos by Pedro Cá

Step Out ( C.R. Portugal )
Fumbles in Life ( Itália )

Dj Nightmare + Miss Rabbit

graphic diary page 07

Kurt ( diptic from popstar series ) 2007
acrylic on canvas
120 x 160 cm

s/ título 2003
rollerballpen drawing on paper
30 x 21 cm

terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2008

The crew with you forever

photo by Pedro Cá

The roof is on fire, 2003
Ozzy Project + Big Val
Laws, moralities, aesthetics, have been created to make you respect fragile things. What is fragile should be broken.

Louis Aragon

s/ título 2005
rollerballpen drawing on paper
18,5 x 18,5 cm

scar, 2004
home foto digital

SMILE 2004
Acrylic, spraypaint, color pencil and marker on canvas
150 x 100 cm

I know, it's only rock'n'roll but I like it

dj nightmare + miss rabbit @ office, 2007
photo by dj cenoura